“Caffeine Blog”
To help you stay awake
Free DVD’s, Books, Pamphlets
To help wake up others
We’re not here to fool you. We’re here to help you
see how you have been fooled.
By Big Pharma. By the FDA. And especially by psychiatry.
Women and children are their targets.
Through their multi-million dollar marketing, they’ve convinced women they need psychiatric medication. Forty percent of all television ads are Big Pharma ads for medication to treat conditions that may not even exist.
Twice as many women than men are therefore on psychiatric medication. Half again as many women see a therapist as do men. Two thirds of all electroshock treatments are given to women. Children and the elderly make up most of the remainder of ECT victims.
Therefore the family – your family — suffers the most.
Our website will give you the information you need to understand this prescription for profit industry and suggest proven alternative treatments for your emotional health. We also offer ways you can help combat the influence on our society of this evil triumvirate.

“Caffeine Blog”
To help you stay awake
Free DVD’s, Books, Pamphlets
To help wake up others
We’re not here to fool you. We’re here to help you
see how you have been fooled.
By Big Pharma. By the FDA. And especially by psychiatry.
Women and children are their targets.
Through their multi-million dollar marketing, they’ve convinced women they need
psychiatric medication. Forty percent of all television ads are Big Pharma ads for medication to treat conditions that may not even exist.
Twice as many women than men are therefore on psychiatric medication. Half again as many women see a therapist as do men. Two thirds of all electroshock treatments are given to women. Children and the elderly make up most of the remainder of ECT victims.
Therefore the family – your family — suffers the most.
Our website will give you the information you need to understand this prescription for profit industry and suggest proven alternative treatments for your emotional health. We also offer ways you can help combat the influence on our society of this evil triumvirate.
*Although many antidepressants are dangerous to your health – even their own black box
warnings tell you so – do not stop taking them without the help of a qualified physician to
work out an appropriate dosage wind-down plan for you.