Thirty Years of Research Show No Gene Causes Schizophrenia
Robert Carter/August 27, 2024
After reviewing almost thirty years of research by The Human Genome Project, prominent biological psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey has concluded that schizophrenia “does not appear to be a genetic disorder.”
The Human Genome Project began in 1990 with the goal of determining all of the fundamental units that make up human DNA, and the human genome has approximately 3.1 billion of these base units. In August 2023 the final report was published by this publicly funded, multi-billion dollar project.
The National Institute of Mental Health spent $8 billion in its own thirty year attempt to find a biological cause of various mental “illnesses” through the data collected in the Human Genome project. Schizophrenia was specifically targeted.
After Dr. Torrey recently reviewed all of this research, though, he wrote that “not a single gene has been found that can be causally linked to schizophrenia and the research has produced no improvements in treatments.”
The Human Genome Project is the largest collaborative biological research project ever done and its extensive research spans thirty years. If no gene has been found by the project which is shown to be a cause of schizophrenia, there is little likelihood one ever will be.
Psychiatry’s theory of a “chemical imbalance” in the brain being the cause of a mental disorder is further debunked by this research, and Big Pharma’s subsequent launch of serotonin associated antidepressants to treat people’s “chemical imbalances” is shown to be, at best, foolhardy.
Antidepressants sales in 2024 are estimated to be $17 billion. Quite a profit for Big Pharma.
Not “foolhardy” for them.
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